No code needed...all orders over $125 receive free 2-day shipping. Finish your Holiday shopping with Wendy Culpepper Jewelry, plus- if you ask nicely in your checkout comments, Sindia will even wrap your gifts up with a bow, for no additional charge :)
Happy Holidays!
Jewelry Information, Guest Designer Input, Fashion Trends, Web Finds, & a few of our favorite things at Wendy Culpepper!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It's Not Too Late...Free 2-day Shipping!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
NYWA Galaxy Awards Recap
I never know where to begin on these types of things, and I promised Michelle I would post a quick re-cap of the events Tuesday morning at the Galaxy Awards. Mind you, I promised that before knowing Michelle was going to post a blog that would make anyone a bit embarrassed and could only be written by a loving and glowing best friend like her...
That being said, the Galaxy Awards was really a treat (cheesy word I know, but it was). The New York Women's Agenda (NYWA) is an amazing organization. Although having an award from them is very special, I'm much more excited about my new membership! This year, a big part of the presentation was the first lifetime achievement award given to Barbara Walters. The award is on behalf of Elinor Guggenheimer who started NYWA and was an inspiration to the entire New York community for years. She unfortunately passed this past September, but she will remain in the hearts and minds of many, many people. Her inspiration for NYWA was to see a collaboration of all the wonderful womens organizations in New York brought together to enhance the common goals of all women. What a brilliant idea - amazing we don't all think of these things sooner, isn't it? She wanted to see each of the organizations come together and create strength in numbers for women's rights and needs.
This year, I was so excited to be an award winner for the Women's Jewelry Association as each organization chose someone they felt embodied the goals and mission of NYWA. I knew it would be a special breakfast as we did the Elly tribute and honored Barbara Walters, and it truly was. I had the brief (and I mean brief) opportunity to meet Barbara Walters, and it was so surreal when she said "congratulations" - whoa... that was crazy - "congrats" from an icon? Completely surreal, and that's the only word I have for it. Watching her speak on stage and listening to the banter between she and Michael Bloomberg, it was all so humbling. Everyone had such focus on the mission and history of NYWA, and it was quite an inpspiration. I'm motivated, excited, and most importantly, I'm looking forward to amazing year in 2009 working hard to represent women in New York (and hopefully promoting the idea of NYWA to other areas around the U.S. without a similar organization)!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My update on the NYWA Star Awards
~Words with Michelle~
So...I just heard from Wendy, on her way back from the New York Women’s Agenda Star Breakfast and she promises to blog about the experience later today. Since I am new to the blog, I should disclose that not only is Wendy my boss, but one of my best, not to mention oldest, friends. When things like this happen, and she is honored, I am twice as thrilled, primarly because I know she really is an amazing person. Wendy genuinely cares about the causes we support, and she is truly is authentic, and down-to-earth. She is also terribly modest, so I can only hope she doesn't make me take this post down...but she'll have to really fight me on it, so Wendel, don't even try.
My point is, I have watched Wendy transform artistically since we were quite literally kids, and while any of her friends or family could tell you countless stories re-iterating what I've said, I'm pleased that what we all have known for ages was publically validated. Wendy is a tremendous artist, a credit to her field, and most of all, an indescribable friend.
This is my thank you Wendy. We are all so proud of you. Thank you for being you. Now stop blushing, and take the compliments, because you deserve them.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
New York Women’s Agenda Star Breakfast ~Words with Michelle~
I am excited to announce that Wendy has been selected to be honored at this year’s New York Women’s Agenda Star Breakfast as a Galaxy Awardee representing the Women’s Jewelry Association. The Breakfast will be held on December 9th at the New York Hilton. Approximately 1,000 people attend this annual event, starting with a full breakfast at 7:15am. If you would like to join us at what is always a powerful and lively event, please let us know so we can include you at a table with other friends. Tickets are $85.00 (NYWA members) and $95.00 (non-member). For full details about the event and to purchase tickets, you can visit, contact the Benefit Office at 212-843-1706 or by email at Be sure to let the Benefit Office know you are with our group so they can be sure to seat everyone together.
The Women’s Jewelry Association is proud to be a member of the New York Women’s Agenda, which is a not-for-profit coalition of women professionals, community activists, and over 50 women’s organizations working to shape public policy on behalf of women and families in New York, and we hope you will join us for this great event which is NYWA’s major fundraising event of the year.
This year’s Star Breakfast is especially exciting because, in addition to a nice roster of Galaxy Awardees, Stars, Rising Stars and an Honorable MEN-tion, they are doing a very special tribute to NYWA founder Elinor Guggenheimer, who recently passed away. To top it off, NYWA is bestowing the inaugural Elinor Guggenheimer Lifetime Achievement Award to the legendary Barbara Walters. Emcees for the Breakfast include award-winning journalist Roz Abrams and author and television personality Emme Aronson. The Honorable Michael L. Bloomberg will be on hand to present the award to Miss Walters, and New York State’s First Lady Michelle Paterson will be there to address the audience.
This year’s NYWA theme is especially noteworthy - Pass It On! - Celebrating Women, Generation to Generation – as it was chosen to reflect the vital nature of the intergenerational connections that make our world, and our lives, a better place, and to celebrate the life-changing power of a helping hand.
Best Wishes,
For more information, please visit: New York Women’s Agenda
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
December's Featured Charity~BaanGerda ~Words with Michelle~
This is such a special cause for all of us at Wendy Culpepper Jewelry, and one that we hope to offer significant support to. Baan Gerda began as a hospice operation for children, mostly orphans, in the advanced stages of AIDS. They provided comfort, and a loving family environment for what remained of these children's lives. After gaining financial support from donors, coupled with the availability of treatment and medicine, Baan Gerda has morphed into a that is full of children who are living with this disease.
"BaanGerda is the only place in Thailand that offers a family environment for the care of HIV orphans. We have 71 children being raised in 7 families, each with their own home. The foster parents are all HIV+, and care for the children as they would their own. This allows them to give the love and support needed and to develop strong bonds that can't be found in state orphanages."
As of now, there are 71 children living at Baan Gerda, and all attend a nearby school, with prospects for the future. They have homes, families, and the medical care needed to thrive and grow. Please join us in supporting this organization, and the ongoing care of these children.
For more information, please visit:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wendy Culpepper's 2nd Annual Holiday Sample Sale
What: Wine Party & 25-75%off sample sale on silver, vermeil & 18K Fine Gold!
When: December 4th, 2008
4pm to 8pm
Where: Wendy Culpepper Showroom
366 Fifth Ave., Suite 816, New York, NY 10001
T: 212-629-8161
See Wendy at the Collective-E Holiday Party
We hope that we'll see you tonight at the first annual Collective-E Holiday Party. Relax with a glass of holiday cheer, meet some new friends and catch up with the old. They'll also have original and unique gift ideas from Collective-E members, and to reward you for all your gift giving, you'll receive a gift from Amore Pacific just for attending!
Date: Tuesday, December 2nd
Time: 6pm-9pm
Location: GeoArt by Cynthia Gale, 8 East 36th St (btwn 5th and Madison)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Cyber Monday Savings...Last Day!!
Get your holiday shopping out of the way with 30% off...find something for everyone. Ok, maybe not EVERYONE, there is a chance your 2-year-old nephew might not be thrilled with the perfect earrings, but his mommy could be!
Monday, November 3, 2008
2 Day only Sale - Help us get the Vote out!
No matter how you vote, we just want to see you vote. The 2008 election may be one of the most important ballots you cast in your life. Join in our excitement and reward yourself at!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rachael Ray in living color...
Today was a really unique and special day for me. Everyone always assumes I spend all my time interacting with all the wonderful celebrities we dress, but often, I'm so busy with work, I rarely have the chance to sit back, relax and enjoy the excitement. But today was different...
Sindia applied last winter (before she even worked here) to have audience tickets to the Rachael Ray show. At the last minute, they notified her on Friday, she had 4 tickets for Monday - how exciting! Even though it tapes right in front of my apartment, I've never been one to pull the contact card and ask our friends at the show for tickets. So when Sindia asked my husband and I to join her & her husband, we jumped at the chance. It was so last minute we didn't even have time to let Jane, Rachael's stylist, and the other girls know we were coming. Oh well, go figure, but then get this - while we were enjoying just being the regular audience for the show, out comes Rachael with my earrings! That's right, in person, and as a total coincidence. Don't you love it? It was such a cool moment. Luckily, since I'm terrible at speaking up, the boys got one of the producers and let them know we were there. We had such a great time with everyone after the show that I told Jane I will never make the same mistake twice - I'll be calling in my favors again soon for another trip to such a great show!! Yumm-O!! I know I'm a big dork, but what a great experience - these are the amazing moments of being a designer so I'll say it again... YUMM-O!
P.S. Watch out for me on the end of the row in a green shirt on October 30th (at least I think that's when its airing)!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tweet, Tweet, Tweet...
So, have you done your share of "tweeting" today? Did you "Digg" or "Stumble"? To me, I feel so overwhelmed by social media. Just trying to keep up with facebook and e-mail is more than I can handle, and I have to admit I was dragged kicking and screaming onto facebook only six short months ago... Now, I know - the addiction is real people.
That being said, when I was told I should join "twitter" for the company and starting "tweeting", I thought "You must be joking, right"? There's more? Again, kicking and screaming, I joined twitter today. So for now, Facebook is out; I have a new obsession. It's really quite fascinating. I'm shocked what a voyeuristic perspective the site has. It's really just about interacting with others & reading their thoughts. Yes, that's it. The whole concept is "what are you doing"?
Now that I have people "following" me, they are waiting to see what I have to say. That's fascinating. Do people really care what I have to say? Apparently, some do. Anyway, as I continue to be inducted into the fascinating world of online social media, I'm always shocked at the impact and importance of these new outlets to the design world. I've already found on twitter so many amazing bloggers, fellow designers, PR companies, and many, many more just downright interesting people. So I'll end with this, whether you just think its fun to learn what other people are doing or you're looking for great business contacts and feedback, twitter is the place to start... Check me out and see me "tweet" at!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is here, and before you get caught up in the excitement of Fall or Halloween, it's time to remember it's also Breast Cancer Awareness month. There are so many amazing companies working together to help find a cure for women everywhere, and we're no exception.
With two amazing (and in my mind somewhat iconic) grandmothers who both managed to fight and win the breast cancer battle, it's important to me that every woman has that outcome in the future. Year-round we always have our jewelry collection to "Ignite Change for Charity" which donates 15% of all rhodolite purchases to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, and for the month of October, we're doing even more!
Now, when you purchase any of our Ignite Collection with rhodolite, we'll increase our donation to 25%! Also, each week, keep your eye out for a special Breast Cancer "pick of the week". We'll be choosing items with red & pink gemstones, cord, and more to represent our fight again breast cancer. These items will also have 25% of their total retail price donated to Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation! So don't miss out... its time for fashion with a cause.
Click here to shop our "Pretty in Pink" jewelry for Breast Cancer!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bruno's Fashion Polizei
Consistency is key in the fashion world. You'll never make it with any less. I mean, "isn't fashion supposed to be all about having your own, original opinion?" I'm just saying...
Monday, March 10, 2008
WJA's "Women In the Know" Conference
On Friday, I took the day from work to attend the Women Jewelry Association's "Women In the Know" New York conference. Wow, what a motivating day! For anyone interested in joining the industry (or just need a boost of energy), the conference brought in some great speakers and topics including the following:
Susan Jacques opened the day with the inspiring story of her indirect path to becoming the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and reporting directly to her current mentor, Warren Buffett (the wealthiest billionaire in the world).
Gail Blanke, President & CEO of Lifedesigns, is a best-selling author of motivational books including "In My Wildest Dreams" & "Between Trapezes: Flying into a New Life..." which has garnered her support and appearances on shows including Oprah. Choosing only one thing to incorporate in this blog about her, I found her words on "fact" vs. "interpretation" to be the most powerful. If all of us could truly remember to separate what we read or hear (which is fact in its raw form) and not let ourselves attach a negative "interpretation" (what we think that fact means), we could all be so productive and uninhibited in our efforts to freshly approach each day.
Debbie Goldstein of Triad Consulting & Harvard University's teaching team did an excellent interactive discussion on how to negotiate. More importantly, she focused on showing us how to alter your definition of "winning" - let "winning" be something for your opponent so that you can both win together and get the best possible outcome.
Bryan Dodge, Professional Speaker and Coach, finished the lectures of the day with a speech focusing on how to balance your personal and business life capitalizing on your best qualities. He had a few great recommendation and quotes for the day, but I thought I'd choose to share the following: "Good people appreciate what they have before they lose it, average people appreciate what they have after they lose it."
Lastly, we had some wonderful networking opportunities, a recognition ceremony of amazing women, and a moderated discussion panel of women in the industry. We even enjoyed breakout sessions on being a sole proprietor & entrepreneur, growing a designer jewelry business, entering the luxury market, dealing with both sexes in the office, and creating a public relations buzz for your line. Overall, a truly motivating, energizing, and great day to enjoy being in the jewelry industry and part of the women's jewelry association!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Christian Made It Work
Whitney's Words:
Guest Blogging from Whitney McGeary at Wendy Culpepper!
I am a Project Runway addict which is why it was the chance of a lifetime to see the finale runway show at Bryant Park during Fashion Week! It was surreal to be amongst the designers from past seasons, my personal favorites Allison and Michael Knight from Season 3, celebrities, models, and the press! I was in the loop, something that never happens, about everything from the guest judge, to the collections and the attendees! If only I could have heard Tim Gunn say, "Make it work", my experience would have been complete!
Christian: I have one word for Christian's Collection...Fierce! There really is no other way to describe it. His looks were dramatic and made for the runway. Although I do have to admit his collection was for the size 00 model rather than the average, everyday woman. And I think he could use a little color in his life!
Jillian: I could definitely tell she had a background working for Ralph Lauren...from the knits, to the hats, and riding pants! Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of Jillian but Nina Garcia hit the nail on the head when she said there was no unity. It was hard to see how a gold dress fit with the theme of sweaters and winter coats.
Rami: My personal favorite was Rami. I could picture myself wearing everything from the collection. You can tell he really takes into account the form of a woman and thinks about a woman's body before designing. Pant suits, cocktail dresses, gowns, and skits with blouses...He had it all!
Although they didn't make it to the finale, I was still able to see Sweet Pea's and Chris' collections. Every year they have all five of them show at Bryant Park so the people in the audience don't know who actually made it to the final show. This way they can't spoil it for everyone else. Personally, I thought it made for a much better show!
Chris: Although he was creative with his use of human hair and black safety pins it wasn't my idea of high fashion. I think his costume background got in the way a little too much. Chris would defintely be the first person I call for my annual Halloween party though! Check out Chris' full collection here
Sweet Pea: Her collection was a lot like her designs on the show...not great but not horrible enough to get her kicked off. She had some cute cocktail dresses but nothing that wowed me. Check out Sweet Pea's collection here
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Kaboodle It... And not like we all did in the 80s!
FASHION FLASH - another amazing website: You'll want to Kaboodle everything you can find online!
I know what you're thinking - since when did those old make-up suitcases we all had in the late 80s & early 90s make a comeback? Well, as far as I know, they haven't. Luckily, we've all laid off the eyeliner and realized there was no need for a Caboodle tackle box to maintain our beauty.
Now, there is a new Kaboodle in town that we can't live without. You can use it to create an online shopping list, community wish list, an advice poll on what to buy (no need to drag your poor boyfriend down to the dressing room anymore), do direct online buying, find gift ideas, and so much more!
After you download the quick toolbar that will allow you to just "kaboodle" anything you see online, you've created your first shopping list. Make friends and invite others online to see what you're buying... then go steal their fabulous finds! You can even submit a poll to the community to help choose what you should buy, what trip you should take, or settle any debate you're having. Let others tell you what to do and save the wishy-washy fashion debates for later. Then you can use that extra time to figure out what else you should be buying and adding to your wishlist - maybe a little designer jewelry anyone?
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Bridging the Jewelry Terms Gap... Bridge, Contemporary, Designer, Fashion, and more

Bridge Jewelry: Bridging the gap between Fine Jewelry and Costume Jewelry... Bridge is often sterling silver with semi-precious stones as opposed to the gold and precious stones of Fine Jewelry or the faux materials of Costume Jewelry.
Costume Jewelry: Brass, Bronze, Copper, Tin, White Metals - Costume Jewelry is made with anything inexpensive except gold or silver (unless it's a flash plating) and set with glass (crystal), plastic, and faux stones.

Designer Jewelry: This is an often debated and misused term. Designer Jewelry is defined by a stylistic quality that can be identified with an artist evolving with time. Unlike a manufacturer's line which could be following any trend or being designed by multiple people, a designer line has a certain continuity that also has an artistic quality. In the fashion industry, designers are normally granted this title by being juried (with an industry based panel) into special "designer" sections at tradeshows. In recent years, many people are now misusing that label to claim a more fashionable look with their line or just calling themselves a "designer" as that trend is growing.
Designer-Inspired Jewelry: Wow, I can't even believe I'm giving space to this, but begrudgingly, I will if for no other reason than to tell everyone why it frustrates designers everywhere!! It is exactly what you think - someone lacking creativity thought it would be easier to be "inspired," a.k.a replicate (possibly using lower quality materials) , designs from someone else in the industry. They are able to also offer it at lower prices because not only does the quality often go down, but there was no design time, no product development, no models, no creativity!
Contemporary Jewelry: This term is often found in the "designer jewelry" industry, but it is truly defined by modern, artistic design that fits in the "contemporary" art world.
Fashion Jewelry: A really nice way to say we make "slightly more expensive" costume jewelry, but we think the term has a bad rap. This term gained a lot of popularity after many mainstream designer clothing brands began adding jewelry to their lines and larger department stores wanted to give a new label to these products that were more fashion forward than past costume pieces.
Happy Shopping! Put your terms to the test and go show everyone all the new knowledge you have (and no more letting anyone claim they are something more than they are!)....
Monday, March 3, 2008
And the Oscar Goes To...
Whitney's Words:
Guest Blogging from Whitney McGeary at Wendy Culpepper!
I don't know about you but I find the Red Carpet to be the most exciting part about the Academy Awards. The actual ceremony is actually a bit boring. We get it...No Country for Old Men was a good movie even though I still have no desire to see it. Watching celebs walk down the "runway", you get to give away the awards and be the judge of the good, the bad, and the ugly...
Ladies in red seemed to be the theme of the night. Heidi Klum, Miley Cyrus, Anne Hathaway, Katherine Heigel, and Ruby Dee lead the way in this trend with their radiant red gowns! And not only was Heidi Klum one of the best dressed, she was also supporting The Heart Truth Campaign to raise awareness for Women's Heart Health. Look good while helping a great cause!
Another trend of the night seemed to be baby bumps. I guess I missed the memo on that one! Cate Blanchett, Jessica Alba, and Nicole Kidman were all sporting their pregnant bellies. All had that certain motherly glow and wore dresses that complimented their current state. Although, I do have to admit that Nicole's bling was a bit overwhelming and was way too distracting!
And the Oscars go to...Jennifer Garner, Heidi Klum, Kerri Russell, and Cameron Diaz! Jennifer Garner looked absolutely stunning in her black Oscar de la Renta dress! Her hair, makeup, jewelry and dress were perfection! Heidi Klum also stole the show in her red Galliano dress! She looked beautiful...whoever wins that dress is one lucky girl. Another one of my favorites was Kerri Russell. Her beauty is so simplistic and effortless! She looked very vintage and classic in her champagne-colored strapless dress. Last but certainly not least was Cameron Diaz. Although she could have done something with her hair, Cameron Diaz also took home the prize of best dressed! I thought she had an angelic look to her from the color of her dress to her make-up.
"What were they thinking" goes to...Tilda Swinton and Daniel Day-Lewis' wife! Who let them leave the house looking like that?? Tilda Swinton looked like a man in her loosely constructed dress, wearing no make-up. She shouldn't have won the Oscar looking like that. I think Daniel Day Lewis' wife takes the cake though! That dress was absolutely hideous and those shoes!!! At least her husband looked just as bad!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Jewelry Trunkshow Trials & Tribulations...
Let's start with what a trunkshow really is. It used to be a term for when designers would bring their excess stock (literally in a trunk) to sell it off at one of their loyal stores. This way, you could meet one of your favorite designers and see styles that weren't currently offered in the boutique. Over time, that has unfortunately changed.
Trunkshows are often a way for stores to preview emerging designers without a commitment or investing in merchandise. Lots of good and bad to this... On the other hand, many established designers are still offering trunkshows to their quality boutiques so in some ways, you could consider it the best of both worlds mixing the old with the new...
Pros & Cons for the Shopper:
- How much fun it is to meet a designer of products you enjoy, hear their inspirations, or even just meet one of their reps who can tell you so much more about a line?
- You can buy a myriad of styles that you've never seen in your favorite store before.
- Sometimes, discounts and incentives are offered at trunkshows as a way to help move stock when it's an overstock event.
- Or, you might be introduced to a new line you've never heard of!
- If it's a one-time show, you'll never see that new merchandise again - good luck getting the matching style later
- If you want to return something, many stores will honor it, but others will consider it a final sale
- Many boutiques won't allow designer advertising (as not to compete with them) so if you happen to forget the designer's name, that might be the last time you ever see them.
Pros & Cons for the Designer:
Okay, I know you shoppers probably don't want to read this part, so feel free to skip it, but for you emerging designers, I'm going to give you the real scoop:
- What a way to start introducing yourself to the market: You could potentially pick up new retail customers and even a store account if the show goes really well
- Word-of-Mouth Marketing - if you haven't read about it - START! It may all seem like commonsense, but the right word of mouth could open doors you couldn't dream of. A referral of a product from a friend is far more powerful than any ad you could ever run.
- The unfortunate reality is most boutiques use this as a form of memo so you probably won't sign a new account from a trunkshow. They may offer you the option to keep returning for more shows though, or consignment options (something I don't recommend... I'll write more on this another day). With this in mind, if you keep agreeing to coming back without them purchasing any of your merchandise, where's their incentive to ever buy?
- Are you familiar with their terms? If not, find out quickly because you might assume that since you provided all the goods, did the work, and they collected the money that day, there would be no reason for you not to get paid at the end of the show. WRONG - especially with well-known stores - you will probably be paid in net 30 or even 60 days depending on how they normally pay their bills.
* Just a tip to remember when deciding whether to do a trunkshow: You need to account for your time as well as your material costs. Will your labor in combination your cost of goods be outweighed by your potential monetary return and word-of-mouth marketing? If so, go for it. If not, don't keep agreeing to be used and abused with trunkshows that don't pay off. It won't help you and it only promotes a faulty new evolution in trunkshows. It's the old school guys who knew what a trunkshow really should be.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Bruno's Back on Fashion...
This is Bruno (one of Sasha Baron Cohen's characters from the "Ali G" Show) reminding us to always depend on our hairdresser, never worry about consistency, and most importantly, that fashion saves lives (just remember to ship the fashion deviants away on a train)...
Lesson of the day: remember to eat and laugh!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Ignite Change for the Good of Others & Your Wardrobe...
It's time to help those around you... and your wardrobe while you're at it!
This collection has been a special project for me for quite a while, and I'm so excited to announce I've finally launched our Ignite Charity Collection!! It's food for your soul and wardrobe...
Our campaign, "Ignite Change" for Charity, is all about helping organizations raise both funds and awareness for their individual cause. We're dedicated 15% of all proceeds to go directly to three main foundations. Hopefully, in time, we'll even add more!!
When purchasing an item with a gemstone, your choice of color determines which organization will receive your generous donation:
Blue Topaz: Parkinson's Disease Foundation
Rhodolite: Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Peridot: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
If the item doesn't have a gemstone, like our "Blaze" Earrings and "Blaze" Pendant, we split the proceeds equally amongst the three foundations (5% to each).
Now you're probably wondering how we chose our first three foundations? Well, that's an easy question. All of them have a personal place in my heart. The Parkinson's Disease Foundation is a phenomenal resource for information on the disease. I have personally been very involved in this cause for many years as my father has been living with it for over 20 years. I also have two other amazing success stories with both of my grandmothers who have fought and won the breast cancer battle. And lastly, my world revolves around my "fur-kids." My husband (a veterinarian) and I make a special point to adopt animals from shelters, and we both feel very strongly about taking care of animals and preventing animal abuse across the U.S. so hopefully, this campaign will continue to help create awareness.
So now, it's time you kiss buyer's remorse good-bye knowing you've helped others with your purchase (and have a fabulous new piece for your jewelry collection)! Go "Ignite Change" without a worry... prices range from only $30-$140!
PS - I personally layer the fire drop necklace with a longer surge necklace (and why not mix colors if you want)!
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Grammys on Two Wheels...
So unless you're living under a rock, you probably know the Grammy Awards took place Sunday night. This year was filled with the usual amazing red carpet entries, designer stylings, and celebrities galore, but in case you missed it, I saw the red carpet on two wheels...and in some cases three.
That's because I'm here to share a little industrial and motorcycle design with you. My brother-in-law and AMAZING bike builder, Austin Weiss, was at the Grammys with a special preview of his fabulous designs. With recent customers including Lil John and (who couldn't resist bringing Austin to the awards with him), Austin has received more support and fanfare than most receive in a twenty year career. And did I forget to mention he's only 24? Austin is not just loved by the celebrities, but he's also recognized in the industry by magazines and awards for his designs including being selected as one of the 'Easy Riders Magazine's Master Builders' of the year on tour in 2007.
Being someone who designs on a reduced scale, there's nothing more exciting than to see full-scale creations come to life. Austin's work since starting Streamline Designs, Inc has been nothing shy of unbelievable and getting better each year. If you just want to share your love (or purchase the best ride of your life), Austin's definitely your man...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
To Swag or Not to Swag...
"Swag" bags are WIDELY debated in the industry. For jewelry, I have to say my opinion is normally to pass. If you are new to the industry, and wondering what "swag" bags are, then let me clear that up first. Swag bags are the give-away bags for celebrities at major events.
If you're anything like me, we all sit around plotting and thinking "If only SO & SO wore my jewelry!" Then, everyone would see it, and I would be golden! The longer I'm in the industry though, the reality strikes that this usually isn't true. You might be a fad with a celebrity sighting, but what they really do is legitimize your brand. Something which is very important to letting your customers know you are strong designer with quality products. Although some designers even think you can trick people into buying your poorly constructed products if you have a celebrity backing. That may be true for a day, but NO ONE continues to buy bad products. They just don't. There are too many quality designers out there today to keep going back to a fad that falls apart.
That being said, I have been asked to participate in more "swag" bags than I can even begin to count in the past few years. I have participated in some small things for charity, but those have always been for the donation aspect. Recently, I just participated in our first celebrity "swag", but we let celebrities choose the pieces they wanted, and I felt it was a great success. We had photos, and we knew what each celebrity had for future endorsement.
You must know that most swag opportunities don't present, nevermind guarantee, the option for a photo to support your claim of celebrity endorsement. Thus, be very careful. Many swag bags come with a premium you must pay to have the priviledge of giving away your products. Then, as mentioned, what are the chances you'll have a photo? If you don't have a guaranteed potential for a photo op, I always say pass. What good is it to make the claim someone wears your jewelry if you can't prove it? Besides, you want them to pick what they like. On the other hand, those that get lucky enough to have Oprah get their product, love it, then wear it on her show will usually argue the other view...
I personally feel the best celebrity support always comes from those who truly enjoy your product. I will always be greatful to Rachael Ray, Patricia Wettig, and Jennifer Beals as being some of the first major celebrities to wear and support our jewelry. It's the relationships you build that will really work for you, not usually a one time give-away where you aren't even sure they will like what you picked for them. How often do you love the gifts strangers pick out for you? Thus, to swag or not to swag?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I like it shiny...just hold the green, please!
Like it shiny? or like it matte? or just don't want your fingers to turn green again? yikes, that's no good! Silver, Gold, Brass, Copper, and more - they are blended, plated, and polished in jewelry, so how can you know what you're buying? or what you should buy? or are you a designer picking which metals to work in?
Here is a quick lesson in metal 'terminology' for jewelry shopping...
STERLING SILVER: Wondering what .925 means? Sterling Silver is a term for 92.5% fine silver. Pure silver is considered too malleable for making jewelry so we add other metals such as copper to strengthen the alloy (metal mixture). Sterling Silver is considered a quality metal that won't cause basic allergy reactions or heavily deteriorate with time (although it will tarnish if not properly cared for).
SILVER-PLATED vs. SILVER-TONED (costume jewelry):
These are pretty self-descriptive. Silver plated references a base metal (i.e. brass, bronze, copper, tin alloys) with a thin layer of silver on the outside. With regular wear, the plating will deteriorate, and you may not be protected against allergies. The silver plating may also tarnish with time. Heavy polishing will ruin the plating though so it is important to care for it properly.
Silver-toned refers to any metal alloy that has been mixed to create a silver-toned color on the outside. This type of jewelry is typically prone to potential allergies, and cleaning is dependent on the type of base metal.
Rhodium is part of the platinum family which makes it resistant to tarnish. Since many people don't like to polish their sterling silver, some manufacturers will plate sterling with rhodium. Pros: silver won't tarnish and you can replate in the future
Cons: rhodium is a slightly different color than silver and will eventually wear off letting the silver tarnish
For more detailed information on sterling silver at, go to Silver Information here
GOLD-PLATED vs. GOLD-TONED (costume jewelry):
This is the same premise as the silver plated and silver-toned. Gold-plated is a thin layer of gold (any karat), and gold-toned is a metal alloy mixed to have a gold coloring. Both of these are typically an allergy issue due to the base metals in them.
GOLD-FILLED (costume jewelry):
Gold-filled is always confusing because while it is regulated to have 5% gold in it, it is actually an alloy (mostly brass and silver) where the gold is concentrated as a plating. It gives it a gold color, and the brass and metals in it, allow gold-filled to be polished. Gold-fill can not be cast, thus you typically you only find gold-filled as connecters, clasps, or jewelry made of thick wire.
GOLD VERMEIL (pronouned ver-may):Vermeil is defined as gold plated over sterling silver. It was developed as an alternative to costume jewelry and the sky-rocketing prices of gold. It has allowed the fashion industry to embrace quality materials at affordable prices since things like Gold-fill can not be cast into larger metal jewelry pieces.
Pros: Vermeil should not carry any allergic reactions with it based on its lack of base metals, you have a quality sterling piece under your gold, and you purchase vermeil at a price point fairly similar to silver in a market where gold is constantly soaring to more than 50 times the price of silver.
Cons: As with any plating, the gold will eventually wear off leaving spots where the silver can tarnish under the surface layer, vermeil is not well-regulated in the US for proper gold thickness, and it can not be well-polished without harming the plate.
The Karat definition of gold is a ratio of its purity. Like fine silver, pure gold is also too soft and and malleable for jewelry. Thus, we mix the gold with other metals such as silver and copper to strengthen it. Pure gold is based on a 24 part system. Your karat is the quantity of gold per 24 total parts. For example, 18K gold is 18 of 24 parts gold (or 75% pure gold).
For more detailed information on gold terminology at, go to Gold Information here
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Designers 4 Africa
Designers4Africa Mission: "The mission of designers4africa is to make a positive impact by helping non profits involved in Africa get more items for their charity auctions."
As the brainchild of April Star Davis, Designers 4 Africa (d4a) is one of the best charitable ideas I've seen in the fashion industry. When she first approached me, April had been working on the idea for almost a year, and its amazing what she has done in such a short time. It's so nice to see wonderful designers working to break the "Ugly Betty" stereotypes and show people how many good things are really happening out there!
With good old foot work at the tradeshows, e-mail recruiting, and phone calls, April has managed to recruit a large number of both established and young designers to come together for the good of multiple causes in Africa. Her passion has turned into an amazing organization that brings designer donations to the events of charity foundations such as "Drop In the Bucket" that builds clean water wells throughout Africa.
In Fall, Designers 4 Africa was able to contribute enough items to Drop In The Bucket's auction that a turnabout well was installed serving over 1,200 kids in Uganda now!! It was a very exciting accomplishment for all the designers, and April, always the modest one, I hope is exploding with happiness and pride that we could all do so much good as a group under her guidance and leadership!
For more information on how to get involved or support Designers 4 Africa, visit They are currently seeking more donations for their upcoming March Event - calling all designers, please help a great cause!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sundance Celebrity Sightings!
SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL (A.K.A every star's favorite shopping event!) lived up to its reputation this year with beautiful celebrities wearing fabulous swag! In case you missed it, let me show you a few of the stylish mavens who wore Wendy Culpepper Jewelry this year!! The Style Lounge was a huge success, and I am so excited they were enjoying the designs. I know you'll enjoy them too!
FELICITY HUFFMAN (Desperate Housewives, Transamerica) - 18K Aquamarine & Diamond Leaf Earrings
JESSICA ALBA (Fantastic Four, Good Luck Chuck, The Eye) - 18K Medium Fiore Necklace with Diamonds (also offered in silver or vermeil)
OLIVIA THIRLBY (of Juno) - 14K Gold Vermeil Large Fiore Earrings
RACHEL HUNTER (former supermodel) - 14K Gold Vermeil Nala Earrings
RACHEL TAYLOR (Transformers) - The 14K Gold Vermeil stackable Osiris Ring and Abydos Citrine Ring
and many more (Paris Hilton, May Wang, Gable Carr, Jamie Luner, The Donnas, Jessica Collins, and James Eckhouse just to name a few)!
Even the men were smitten with the jewelry knowing it would be perfect for their favorite gals!
JOHN LEGEND (Musician)
KEVIN SORBO (Hercules)
BARON DAVIS (Golden State Warriors, NBA)
We'll be posting them all online shortly under our "Press and Celebrity Jewelry" section so keep your eyes peeled for a full write-up!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Wish for your favorites at!
Recently, I found this new website called It's a little hard to pronounce since they got cutesy and decided to meld "web" or "wish" and "list" into a new word - wists. Although this drawback makes for confusing word-of-mouth marketing, I will say this is the best online idea I have seen a long time!! It's fabulous! So now I'm going to do my best to spread the word without having to say the name aloud...
Up above, you can see a preview of some of the things I have on my list: jewelry, shoes, websites with free "click" donations, pet toys, and more.
Let me give you the "quick guide" to what the website really does. First, you download their new toolbar that shows up on your browser. Now, when you finally make up for all the money you spent on Christmas and have a penny left for yourself, wist will organize it all for you! Instead of trying to remember every website you have a wishlist saved with, you can just click the new button on your browser to "add something to your wist list," and you won't have to worry. Whenever you go to, it will have thumbnail pictures of everything you've clicked, and you'll have all your own favorites saved - Organized with pretty pictures, links to buy, and all! It's your own personal journal of favorites, and it gives you access to everyone else's list as well. Check out all the great things everyone else already found for you. Heck, why surf anymore when you can just let everyone else do the mouse clicking for you? Let your fingers and mind relax when you join
Let me know if you go check it out and love it as much as I do!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Exclusive Valentine's Day Sale for 20% off at Wendy Culpeper Designer Jewelry!!
Love is in the air...
No need to sit and sulk watching the Notebook on repeat with your cats on February 14th (What day is that again!?) just because you don't have a Valentine. Wendy Culpepper has a special promotion so you have an excuse to treat yourself! And for those of you lucky enough to have that special someone, she has the perfect gifts for the occasion. Just enter "VALENTINE" at checkout to receive 20% off your entire order!
Wendy's Sterling Silver and Gold jewelry can be seen worn by celebrities such as Felicity Huffman, Jessica Alba, Juliet Huddy, Jennifer Beals, and Rachael Ray (who is currently wearing a necklace on the cover of her magazine)! Wendy is quoted as saying "For me, jewelry is my art, my outlet, and my passion to share with others." Well, her passion is truly showing through with these gorgeous styles that might just ignite a little Valentine passion for you! Who can resist with 20% off?
Check out for Wendy's new Gift Guide making it even easier to find the perfect style for your budget (and if you're lucky, you might find a gift set with a special on it too!)...
Happy Valentine's Day Shopping!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Women's Jewelry Association
Are you in the jewelry industry looking for help, resources, and friends in the field? Well, I wanted to introduce this great organization to you. It's not just for jewelry designers as many believe; it's open to sales, PR, production, students, and more! The Womens Jewelry Association is a national organization with 12 chapters across the US. I recently transfered my membership to the "Metro" chapter based in New York City.
I am currently starting off 2008 as the Membership Director (and trying to catch up on my huge learning curve). The women I am working with all seem to be incredibly friendly with a wealth of ideas and knowledge. WJA also creates a wonderful social group where I can see many women have made amazing friends throughout the years.
Here is a short list of the great things WJA offers: 1. Events such as their well-known "Women In the Know Conference"
2. Scholarships and Grants for students and continuing education
3. Group Forum to ask your Industry Questions
4. Design Competitions and more...
Learn more about The Womens Jewelry Association (WJA) at On the website, you can easily become a member or learn about attending their events and competitions that are open to non-members.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Show Me My Money!
This past week, many of us have been dealing with a major retailer who declared bankruptcy without much warning. While we had all been doing the standard dance waiting the exhorbitant and very unecessary 60 days (that we all know often turns into 90) for our money, many small designers were blindsided and feeling completely lost when this new development occured. After hearing from a few others asking me what to do, I decided now was the perfect time to discuss:IS IT JUST ME OR IS EVERYONE GOING THROUGH THIS? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T GET PAID BY MY CUSTOMERS?? WHAT SHOULD I DO TO COLLECT?
Well, if you're a new designer, feel comfort that you aren't alone. We all go throw it. Unfortunately, as retail is suffering more and more, it is only getting worse. Many small designers land their first order with a chain or major, and its immediatley exciting...I've made it! Everything will be smooth sailing from here! Unfortunately, you may not know about their payment terms and return policies. Working with chains and major retailers can be a fabulous opportunity for your company, but it is very important to evaluate your capital before getting involved.
1. Most majors pay on 60-120 day terms (and often don't stick to their approved terms)
2. Trunkshows and special sales can also be subject to these terms.
3. Their return policies all vary, but they usually reserve the right to return their product for full return value months after the products have been purchased. You may even have those returns applied before you are ever paid, thus never collecting more than a portion of your original invoice.
4. Now: Are you in a position to deal with capitalizing the investment from production until partial payment? It is absolutely crucial to read all the fine print with their purchase orders and return policies to determine if you will be able to handle this. You will only disappoint your loyal customers and retailers if you are out of business and can't fill any orders based on a financial cash flow crunch.
If you're dealing with a boutique or major, you should also know what to do it if you payment doesn't occur. Many of us are not good at asking to get paid. We are designers, not collection agencies, thus making many of us prone to intimidation when they tell us to wait, and we shouldn't be so demanding. We aren't being demanding. We made the product, paid for it, sold it, waited for our payment, and didn't receive it. With the price of metals always soaring, it becomes more difficult by the day to stay alive in their industry.
Well, you really only have a few options if you feel there is just no chance you'll be paid for your goods:
1. Continue with sending statements and doing regular proper follow-up
2. With proof of proper follow-up and invoicing, you can submit your claim to small claims court in the location of the retail outlet (note the amount must be within the limitations of small claims court).
3. You can hire a collection agency to do the collection process for you, but they will charge you a rather large fee. A feel which is normally a hefty percentage of what they collect.
4. Walk away and don't do business there anymore. Just toss away the business card, and don't be fooled again. Write it off to bad debt and try not to make any enemies with the store. No matter what the store name is, if you aren't getting paid, you won't stay in business long which won't make you any more well-known. Don't be fooled again.
And finally, as I was discussing earlier:
Unfortunately, I don't have good advice or news here. I'll share my own learning experience of the week and just say you don't have many choices. Once bankruptcy is declared, contact a lawyer, and get in line. With the protection of bankruptcy, they will now have a long, very tough process to go through and evaluate who will get paid, how much they will get paid, and when... Thus, get in line and be prepared to wait a while for a partial collection.
Do you have a story or suggestion for other designers on how to handle these complicated and often uncomfortable situations? Please share - we can all use the help sometimes!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Project Runway Identity Irony: I'm not Wendy Pepper!!
Looking at the ticket in my hand to the Project Runway finale show this week, all I could think about was the irony of it all. After four years of working hard to establish my own name in the jewelry design field, I'm constantly written up as Wendy Culpepper, the dark and infamous fashion contestant from Project Runway. The woman no one wants to cross...and is probably pretty nice, just a victim of TV editing.
Well, it's time to put that confusion to rest! I'm about as scary as they come - 5'3" with the face of an 18 year old college freshman... Oh, and my name isn't "Wendy Pepper."
Wendy Pepper was the Season 1 contestant who apparently made enemies with many of the project runway viewers out there. Ironically, it was just after I started the company that I saw the show, and all I thought was "wow, our names are so similar." How naive am I? When you're starting out, you can't imagine people will ever even notice you as a speck on the fashion radar so how can you imagine them confusing you with someone they write about as a "fashion villian?" Well, now I can, and they do. I keep finding the more well-known I become, the more the confusion is perpetuated - go figure. And one of the most exciting moments in my career was watching my first jewelry appearance on TV. Tara Connor was a guest on Project Runway, and she was wearing my earrings!! It was so exciting, and the first thing I did was tell everyone I know!! So yes, I made my bed, and now I have to lay it in for being too naive to see the confusion that would come with it.
Well, now I'm going to do my part to continue being the positive person I am and remind people out there we aren't all "Ugly Betty" clones. there are nice, friendly, non-catty women in the fashion field. Some of us just love to draw and give people a good shopping high! Hopefully, I can accomplish this lofty goal little by little, and I'll appreciate any help you guys can give me for how to conquer the name battle... send me your ideas! And if any of you know Wendy Pepper, please let her know I'm sorry if she's getting the other end of the confusion!
Thanks! Wendy CULPEPPER