Recently, I've taken a little inspiration from Mae West... why aren't all women embracing curves? I think its official, we should petition Miriam Webster to change their definition of curve. From here forward, I adopt Mae West as my new English teacher, and curves, watch out, because you are officially 'lovely' and embraced!
That's why I've created a whole new section of the website dedicated to Plus Size Jewelry including Extra Long Necklaces, Bracelets, and Rings in sizes 9 through 12. We're even doing custom lengths so you can get exactly what you're looking for. It doesn't matter what size you are, the idea is to paint yourself in jewels... or why not make your favorite pendant a long drop? Don't we all have those moments when we want a little extra attention on our 'curves'...
Personally, I think Mae West had it right and so did the artists of history. Have you ever seen how beautiful Titian's Venus is? or Picasso's belle? Ruben's Venus? I think they are all inspiration, and I've written a little something on the website adding my two cents on reclaiming fashion... read more