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Thursday, December 11, 2008

NYWA Galaxy Awards Recap

I never know where to begin on these types of things, and I promised Michelle I would post a quick re-cap of the events Tuesday morning at the Galaxy Awards. Mind you, I promised that before knowing Michelle was going to post a blog that would make anyone a bit embarrassed and could only be written by a loving and glowing best friend like her...

That being said, the Galaxy Awards was really a treat (cheesy word I know, but it was). The New York Women's Agenda (NYWA) is an amazing organization. Although having an award from them is very special, I'm much more excited about my new membership! This year, a big part of the presentation was the first lifetime achievement award given to Barbara Walters. The award is on behalf of Elinor Guggenheimer who started NYWA and was an inspiration to the entire New York community for years. She unfortunately passed this past September, but she will remain in the hearts and minds of many, many people. Her inspiration for NYWA was to see a collaboration of all the wonderful womens organizations in New York brought together to enhance the common goals of all women. What a brilliant idea - amazing we don't all think of these things sooner, isn't it? She wanted to see each of the organizations come together and create strength in numbers for women's rights and needs.

This year, I was so excited to be an award winner for the Women's Jewelry Association as each organization chose someone they felt embodied the goals and mission of NYWA. I knew it would be a special breakfast as we did the Elly tribute and honored Barbara Walters, and it truly was. I had the brief (and I mean brief) opportunity to meet Barbara Walters, and it was so surreal when she said "congratulations" - whoa... that was crazy - "congrats" from an icon? Completely surreal, and that's the only word I have for it. Watching her speak on stage and listening to the banter between she and Michael Bloomberg, it was all so humbling. Everyone had such focus on the mission and history of NYWA, and it was quite an inpspiration. I'm motivated, excited, and most importantly, I'm looking forward to amazing year in 2009 working hard to represent women in New York (and hopefully promoting the idea of NYWA to other areas around the U.S. without a similar organization)!

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